CA SONS Jr. Vice Commander receives certificate from National Commander
(April 30, 2022) The Jr. Vice Commander of the Detachment of California, Sean Brandon, traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana in order to complete his first year of the Legion’s National Management Institute (NMI). In the above picture, he is awarded his certificate from National Commander Michael Fox.
Michael offered, “This is California leading by example and bringing in the younger members. Congratulations Sean for stepping up to the challenge and completing NMI 1. The future looks bright.” Sean says he is looking forward to completing NMI 2 and 3 over the next two years, coinciding with terms as Sr. Vice and Detachment Commander, if elected. “I realize that this training and networking are very valuable to me as a younger officer,” Sean said. The Detachment is proud of both members pictured above.
Way to go Sean ! ! ! !