In a Christmas season challenge from Detachment Commander Jim Eubanks, Squadrons were to do their best to send in donations at least equal to $1 per member per capita to benefit the Legion’s Child Welfare Foundation. With a goal of $5,000 in mind, and realizing participation is down all over due to the pandemic; it was a way to “virtually” prod people paying attention to help “to contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of children and youth; to improve the lives of children and youth through funding projects or in other ways, including youth activities and programs sponsored by The American Legion.” (from CWF brochure)

With a creative flyer, a couple of email or Mailchimp reminders, and the leadership of Executive Committee members; sixteen Squadrons donated a total of $2,485.00. A few others may have, missing the deadline, sent donations directly to CWF. Those who participated per instructions for the campaign had their Squadrons certified for the Foundation’s Banner Program.

CWF LogoExecutive Secretary for CWF, Stacy Cope, was happy to cooperate with the recognition to the 15 Squadrons who achieved or, in many cases exceeded, the $1 per member goal. “The Foundation thanks the Sons Detachment in California for their donations during the Commander’s Christmas Challenge. And we understand that the Commander intends to keep CWF fundraising a priority for the balance of his term,” Stacy Cope commented.

The Banners are being shipped in time for presentation at the Spring D.E.C. in Santa Maria in March. Sons have been instrumental in fundraising for the Foundation which has raised over $17 million since 1954. If you or your Squadron are interested in donating, please cut and paste this link into your browser –

or simply visit, click on DONATE and “make a difference in the life of a child.”.