Our new SONS Commander Sean Brandon is sworn in by Jr. Past National Commander Michael Fox at the convention in Visalia the end of June, 2023. You can see the weight of the office falling on him and the seriousness he has towards it in the picture above.

Sean does not come to this position unprepared. Under his leadership as Sr. Vice Commander, the Membership Team of the Detachment hit nearly 11,100 members. The year before, as Jr. Vice Commander, Sean led the effort that placed over 400,000 flags under Fox’s “Flying Flags For Heroes” Americanism program.

Our DET CDR is also a Life Member and former officer of the VFW Auxiliary, and recently joined the DAV Auxiliary as a paid Life Member where his Dad is the Unit Commander. In the Detachment, Alex Brandon serves as Sean’s Adjutant. Sean has gone through NMI 1 & 2 and taken the online American Legion Basic Training.

At convention and since, persons approach Sean saying something like “So you’re the 20 year-old we’ve been hearing about.” He realizes he is setting an example to younger members who may aspire to leadership levels in the organization, and is trying hard. He also says, much like the past few years, “I just want to get the job done.”

Keep up the good work, Commander!