By Sean Brandon  

I am happy to report, from official numbers posted on the Flying Flags For Heroes website (, that our Detachment has far exceeded our goal of 100,000 flags – that being 10% of the National goal. At every opportunity, including during my verbal reports at both National meetings and at the Santa Maria D.E.C., I confidently communicated that this would be the case, based on the information and pledges our Americanism Commission was receiving.  

 As of June 2nd, 2022, the Sons of The American Legion, the Legion Family, and friends have ceremoniously placed 404,781 flags on the graves of Veterans in cemeteries all over the State. Of course, the largest number of these were placed over this past Memorial Day weekend. And we still have some time to go!   

It is my understanding that our national goal of 1 million flags was also exceeded. This successful effort was primarily due to the vision and leadership of our National Commander, and Past California Detachment Commander, Michael Fox. Special mention goes to Preston Sharp, also a Son from California, who was our National Spokesman.  

I want to thank my fellow Americanism Commissioners for all their work this Legion year, including on this project and the School Award program. They are Matt Mazzarella, John Neustadt, Mike Espinosa, Alex Kay, and Technical Advisor Tony Cortez, PDC. Gratitude as well goes out to everyone who supported and participated in this worthy program. It is my hope, as well as Michael’s, that it continues well past his tenure. It is a very visible and commemorative demonstration of our patriotic support of one of the four pillars of The American Legion, helping to teach our youth and others about proper citizenship. Along with being able to attend NMI-1, this will make my year as Jr. Vice Commander a memorable one, indeed. Thank you all for the privilege of serving.  

Sean Brandon  
Jr. Vice Commander  
Americanism Chairman  
Detachment of California